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Enhancing Staff Safety at Refuel & Go Forecourts with Reveal Body Cameras

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Enhancing Staff Safety at Refuel & Go forecourts with Reveal Body Cameras

In the bustling heart of London and across the South East of England, Refuel & Go (Sectorsure No. 10 Ltd) operates a network of eight forecourts, featuring BP fuel and Londis convenience stores. These sites, integral to the daily lives of countless individuals, recently faced a growing challenge that threatened both their operational harmony and the well-being of their staff. The escalation of anti-social behavior on the premises posed a significant problem, particularly affecting the morale and safety of the workforce, some of whom were even considering leaving due to these threats.

Lewis Trevellyan, MD of Refuel & Go, took a decisive step to address this issue by deploying Reveal retail cameras. Starting with a trial at three sites, the results were so immediate that he quickly decided to roll the cameras out to all locations. The Reveal body-worn cameras not only reduced the immediate threats, but also fostered a safer, more secure environment for both retail colleagues and customers. "The feedback from our staff has been overwhelmingly positive," Trevellyan shares. "There's been a noticeable decrease in the number of incidents, and it's clear that the presence of cameras has had a deterrent effect on potential offenders."

This technological intervention has not only reduced the frequency of unpleasant encounters but has significantly boosted the morale and confidence of the staff. "Our employees feel much more secure and protected. Knowing they have a reliable means to document incidents and provide evidence to the police has made a world of difference," Trevellyan adds. This sense of security is crucial, not just for the well-being of the employees but for the overall atmosphere of the forecourts.

The benefits of deploying Reveal retail cameras extend beyond the immediate impact on staff safety and well-being. Trevellyan emphasizes the cost-effectiveness of this solution, noting its superior performance compared to other security measures they have trialled. "As an employer, the safety and security of our staff are paramount. The investment in Reveal body cameras has been incredibly cost-effective, and pound for pound we think it’s the best investment option out there in the world of personnel security for the peace of mind it brings."

In an effort to advocate for broader adoption of such technologies, Trevellyan has reached out to local policymakers. "I have written to my local MP to underscore the effectiveness of body-worn cameras in addressing anti-social behaviour. It's imperative that solutions like these are encouraged and adopted across the industry to safeguard our staff and customers," he asserts.

Refuel & Go's proactive approach, underpinned by the deployment of Reveal body cameras, serves as a testament to the tangible benefits of leveraging technology for enhancing security and well-being in retail environments. Trevellyan's closing advice to retailers resonates with a call to action: "For any retailer looking to improve staff safety in an immediate and cost-effective manner, I wholeheartedly recommend considering Reveal body cameras. It's an investment in your people's safety and your business's future."